Thursday, April 30, 2015

Know What's Important

I've blogged about half as much as I would have liked to this month but I feel like that's just the nature of April when you're in school. It's that time of year when everything comes to a head and I think this is especially true for college seniors. Instead of feeling like things are slowing down as graduation approaches, my to do list is 3 miles long and growing. 

In an attempt to make that list less overwhelming, I have been asking myself one question over and over, and that's "what's important?" When I say this, I'm not talking about what's important in the moment, but what's important in the grand scheme of life. In all honesty, it's been helping me prioritize and worry less. Of course, I'm still going to study for my finals that start next week (dreading it), but 10 years from now, I really doubt I'll care whether I got an A or B on my Art History exam. I hope instead, when I think about my last few weeks at Fordham, I'll think about the time I spent with friends, walking around campus, and enjoying the city. 

And so, although I'm still living my senior year and am in no way qualified to dish out advice, I'm going to do it anyway: know what's important and don't stress. I'm currently trying to take my own advice. 
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