Monday, February 29, 2016

"Real Life is for March"

I was so close to going to bed tonight (ie. last night) without writing a post. I was watching the Leo win his first Oscar while snacking, and definitely less than motivated to generate a stellar piece of blog content.  Then I realized that if I didn't post anything today, I wouldn't be able to have a leap day post for another four years. -- an unnecessarily anxiety ridden thought and absolutely poor planning on my part. Does it really matter? Probably not. Am I writing this post anyway? Yes. 
And so, I have two things I would like to tell you today in this incredibly short and last minute post. 

First, you should definitely watch the 30 Rock leap day episode to celebrate. It's ridiculous and amazing, and you shouldn't live your life without knowing who Leap Day William is. There's a clip below, but you can find the whole episode on instant Netflix. 

Side Note: Please don't celebrate by watching Amy Adams' Leap Year. Trust me, even watching once every four years is too much.

Second, you have my full permission (and clearly Tina Fey's) to do something semi crazy today. This extra day is strange and basically not real, so take full advantage. Spend a little extra cash, eat a few extra calories, and over indulge in whatever you want. There's no better day to do it. To quote 30 Rock, "real life is for March."

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